
Journal Entries

And we will see where this life goes



It has been so long sense I have had any exposure to another human. I never expected my reintroduction to be as it was. A beautiful woman on the edge of death being perused by two men that could hardly be considered human at first glance. If I would have know that they were humans I would like to say that I never have killed them. If they had been wolves, or bears, or lions, or anything of the forest I would not have killed them, not like that. Perhaps I'm glad that they were humans. Perhaps it is a mark of how far I have been removed from my humanity when I feel that it is easier to kill one of my own species than it is to kill something else. Or perhaps that is simply a mark of being a human.

But then there is this woman. I have not seen a woman in five years. I know nothing about her, about who she is, or about what those others were chasing her for but when I saw her and she spoke to me some deep need to protect welled up inside me. That idea of protecting the weak against the strong seems to be the epitome of human nature. No, it is not the epitome of human nature. Human nature is the same a animal nature; survival. But what causes a man to save one and kill two? It is they way that you approach the man. The one approached in such a way that instantly makes them one of the pack, even Quinn noticed that. The others...well they were of another pack.

I returned to those men that I killed to try and learn more about what I have gotten myself into before the woman wakes. Their armor plates are almost and inch thick and cover every inch of their bodies. They must run on all fours the way they do because of the weight of that metal. They run on their knuckles letting their hands grasp what ever they need as they run. Many of the metal plates must have been attached to them sense they were young because their bodies have grown around the plates and incorporated them into the creatures body. This is how the tails are attached, a plate of metal that must have been attached soon after birth because the first plate of both of their tails was embedded into their pelvis. Each of them had an engraved metal disk on their right shoulder. They were sightly different but very similar. I think that they are a way of signifying the creatures name or what tribe they belong to or something. I can not help but wonder what mutilation of the soul could result in two creatures like this. What is worses is that judging from the methodical almost ritualistic way the plates were attached these are by no means the only two of a kind but more likely individuals of a huge populations of these creatures.

I buried the bodies. I did not know what else to do. I did not want their twisted souls to infest this forest. It is an odd thing to bury the bodies of your enemies. You learn to hate them in battle but in burying them you learn to see them as humans and in a strange kind of way you learn to love them...if only because they let you live. It is a regretful thing for something to die still hating another. I will never understand humanity.